Saturday, October 22, 2011

bring love back

It is a tragedy the Internet can be my only strike out against the world right now. That alone is frustrating. But I’ve had enough. I sit and I tremble in fury and sadness as I type, so you can only imagine that is hindering my progress.

I try to select my words tediously as to not offend. As to not lose one of the only few friends I actually care about. But by God, if I am the only one left with the strength to do it I must say something, even something so minor as to be ignored on the internet.

It is amazing the things girls put up with. I heard a quote once that explained that love does nothing for a women but increase her capacity to hurt. I’ve seen it in action more than once. And its a sick, sad truth. Why do we let ourselves be trampled, put down, taken advantage of? Why do we live with cheaters and liars we cannot trust and yet bear our soul to them when they wave their hand…only to be mocked? Because of love? When did love become such a tremulous, hurting thing?

Do you remember Disney, when love was magical? Romantic comedies you daydream about and with that one day you would get your chance to live one out? Lately that has all taken a back seat to sex (no pun intended) which has no emotion. At the very least, feels good. And not even for us. So why abuse a woman when you could just go to the corner and pay? Because it’s cheaper?

I miss the days of daydream-y love.

And now we’re trapped. Trapped in our relationships when, for some reason, men always have the option to leave whenever they please. What is it that gives us a connection? Women fear rejection. We all do. Even me, who claims to shrug it off. Its a fear. So why provoke it? Why MAKE IT HAPPEN when we have the strength to suffer through it for the few, partly sunny days of our relationships? Why can we not use that strength to free ourselves, to find someone that cares for us emotionally? We are so strong and yet…so weak. A walking contradiction.

And the worst partthe world only sees sunny days. Only sees us for the mask. Only a rare few can see beyond into our quivering lips and empty eyes to the soul that aches. Aches for love as any real person would do. Made to feel so wrong about our wants, we say nothing even when they ask.

My dear, dear friends I’m calling out to you now. I have seen SO MUCH PAIN in this life. So much pain in so many girls too afraid to be themselves in fear of rejection. I did not learn to be myself until I underwent trauma. I don’t want it that way for the rest of the world. Be yourself. Love yourself. Because the one who really loves you, will love you FOR YOU. All you are, and all you are not. You don’t have faults, you have quirks. You ARE PERFECT. And you will feel it in your heart, and you will want to fly…not sink, as you make yourself believe it

There ARE GOOD MEN. I’m not throwing men under the bus. I’m showing all of you…if you see it. If you see a man that does wrong to his girl or vice versa, SPEAK OUT. Speak out for women too afraid to voice themselves. Fight this mental warfare. Fight it and never become one of it’s minions.

We all know what real love is and we think we have it until we really do. Then you will know that you don’t ever have to “make it work.” Even though things get hard, you will take time for each other, you will breathe in the passion as needed, and there is such thing as an intimate connection. The one who loves you will never make you cry. They will pick you up, dust you off, and wipe your tears. They will re-assure you in yourself.

a promise to my child/ children..

To share with you love is a forever promise
A promise from my heart to your heart
I will be your earthly guide with Heavenly direction
I will guide you with prayer and a gentle hand
I will care for you when you are sick
I will help you learn when you do not understand
I will love you unconditionally 
I will hold you when you cry
I will feed you should you feel hunger
I will calm you when you feel fear

My promise my child................
is to give that which I did not receive
and that of which I did
I am learning as you learn
So I ask for unconditional love in return

Hold my hand when you need help to stand
Use my arms if you should ever fall
May my love give you strength 
when you need to be strong
And may my guidance teach you right from wrong

Spread your wings in freedom
when it's time for you to grow
And with this promise you will leave
and remember as you go
That my promise my child gives you wings
yet keeps a foundation for you to return to
Should you ever need to come home

My Promise My child 
Will never leave you feeling alone
I'll always be here for you.

there comes a time

There comes a time in life when you let go of all the petty drama and bullshit and move on with your life. Whether it be the drugs you find yourself hooked on, the number of women / men in your life, or abandoning your children because you've found something better than them.  In my opinion there is nothing greater than the gift of your children. They were sent to this earth to be there not only for us, but to complete their journey. Whether it be a dream they are after, or whether or not it be to better someone else but maybe rescue someone. Children are not only the key to our lives, but the heart of our being. They teach and show us things that we never imagined could be let alone happen, and show us a side to ourselves we may have never known existed. Ive found not only do we take life for granted, but the memories and those around us as well. I mean think about it, how many times have we treated those poorly around us and ignored them when they needed help in return after helping us. Or maybe the memories we have had with others, acting as though things may never go wrong. However, when you least expect it they always tend to go that way that we had least expected...then what ? We have the feeling of regret, the wishing we could either go back in time and do things differently or take them back all together. But then reality hits from the unexpected moment, whether it be from losing someone, everything, or being diagnosed with a life threatening illness..the guilt the emotions, they never seem to leave. So instead we either learn from those mistakes or not learn at all and never let it phase us and the cycle keeps replaying itself. Maybe in the other hand we may take that first unexpected moment and learn from it not only better ourselves, but make a difference upon another life whether it be telling our story or giving a hand to help them call it a tidbit of life..the life that saves ourselves and shows us what really matters. Because if not then what do we have to live for, let alone hold onto.         People say that life ..just happens and that things happen for a reason, but do they really and how can we be so sure ? Only we have control of our lives and what goes on. So therefore we as adults,children, what have you must own up to our responsibilities.  I've seen those whom have worked so hard for what they have and whom they've become, thAt not only are cherishing the moments in life but protect those thAt they care about around them.  And yet they somehow always end up losing everything thAt they have worked for regardless how they have been as a person, and no matter how hard they try they don't ever seem to catch a break. Not only from losing the things they worked for , having their plans and dreams crushed, but to having even e littlest memories that mean the most taken from them such as pictures, childrens toys etc. It's so sad to me that no matter what they do or how hard that they try nothing works or helps them, and that it comes to the point that they come to taking things from Innocent children. How can you live with that let Alone do that to an innocent child/ children whom not only look up to you bur follow in your footsteps. Is this what's the worlds come to accusing and taking things or hurting innocent people all because it makes you feel better as a person ? Because to me its lower Than life and its not something I want to let alone be associated with but say I'm proud to be an American. Because why be proud when innocent people are being killed, raped, taken advantage of regardless of any situation..who could honestly be proud..with the wars innocent killings of children in overseas because they were put in situations because of's sickening to me, and I don't want to be apart of that, would you ? I don't know to me its a shame what the human race has come to no matter what your race,color, or religion we are all guilty of something..and I can honestly say that I am afraid for my children to grow up in this world let alone what things will be like for her when she is do you feel about your children, or grandchildren growing up in a world with so much hate or violence etc..?

Friday, October 21, 2011

r.i.p sweet little delaney...prayers

Going through cancer, is let alone the hardest anyone should have to endure.  In my eyes no one should have to suffer with any form of cancer, let along a 3 year old child.  Their lives are just beginning and it breaks my heart when I ran across delaney's story.  3-year-old Sinclair, Wyoming native Delaney Wadsworth. On July 3, 2010 she was diagnosed with a brain tumor the size of a golf ball on her brain stem that was later diagnosed as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. The neurologists and oncologists of Denver Children's Hospital have deemed the tumor inoperable due to its location. They have completed the 5-day high dosage, experimental radiation treatments and she has proven to be the strongest little lady that most of us have ever met. There is still only a 5% chance that this beautiful little girl will make it longer than 1 year. Please keep this child, her mommy Brenna, her daddy Jason and the many family members and friends in your prayers until their miracle arrives.
she recently had her third birthday and not even a week later, had to pick out her own casket and grave site...something no child should have to deal with. I dont know how this family is coping, I know it would be extremely hard. Im asking to start a huge prayer chain and to spread the word in hopes a miracle happens for little delaney so she can live out her life.

*****delaney rececntly lost her life to the battle of cancer, i alone cant imagine my child having to go through this let alone having to deal with the loss of either of my girls.  please show this family some support, prayers, strength for they need it more than ever.

Please feel free to leave your encouragements and prayers on this page. I will keep the page updated daily as new news comes to me. Just a reminder - PLEASE NO NEGATIVE POSTS about anyone's share. Such posts will be removed. ALSO - please remember this is a page for updates and comments referring to Delaney Wadsworth and any other stories/posts to lift up this family...
delaneys  support site as well is -
delaneys facebook support and update page-
The Lord gives His people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. --- Pslam 29:11 Paypal address
***Mailing address!**** Delaney Wadsworth 11522 WCR 76 Windsor Co 80550
She loves photos - so slip one into the mail for her to see your support!!

thoughts pouring...

As I sit here staring at the computer screen, there are so many thoughts and worries that come upon me.  The kind of thoughts and worries that scare me..the what ifs..whats after this life...the world my daughter will grow up in, and as well for my future child. If there is really love out there..the kind that is in fairy tales. But the most heartbreaking for me is the fact there is a little girl the same age just a year and a few months older than my daughter...that is fighting for her life.It tears me to pieces to think that this could happen to my children..that I could lose my daughter.  Its a parents worst nightmare coming true that their child is suffering and is given only a small amount of time left on this world and you have to spend it in a hospital. that your daughter has to be on high meds for her to be happy and function.
I just dont understand why these things are handed to not only us as adults, but children at their young ages.  Its something I dont believe anyone let alone children should have to deal with and fight against just to stay alive.  You know ive heard the phrase over and over again, that god wont give us anything that we cant handle..but how can that be true? Parents in this world are losing their children, loved ones are losing those whom are fighting for our country and others are facing mulitple issues cancer, losing their homes etc...and the circle never ends. How can we as humans possibly deal with all of that?  I believe personally that we are dealt with more than we can handle..and at times we lose it, we pull away just wanting to escape from it.Where as at other times, we put on that fake smile and face act like we are ok , when really its killing us inside.
Im beginning to realize more and more that this is the world , and these are the things I dont want my children to have to deal with, let alone anyone.  For not only are there the problems I mentioned above, but then comes the violence, and all the other bad things that have happened not only in america but in other countries as well.  Its sickening just to think that this may never end, and it could actually get worse as time goes on..then what happens... There comes a point in life where we arent able to protect the ones that we love from harm etc, and thats the worst feeling in the world.something ive felt way to often.  The feeling of hopelessness, feeling alone and hurt because we couldnt do anything to help- whether it be a family member, friend or just to help make a change in general.
I want to make a change in this world, a change for the help not only me, my family, friends..but others out there whom feel the same way, or to those whom are suffering.  The major change..i want to help is with childhood cancer. Its something that is close to my heart not only because Im recently in remission with my cancer, but because no child should have to deal with that at any age.  To read that little delaney has picked out her grave site, and her casket..hit hard. I mean how wouldnt that touch anyones heart, her story or any other childs story?  If you are lost about what Im talking about go to and search prayers for delaney...though shes recently passed sweet angel

well im going to get going..for i keep breaking down just thinking about all this..maybe its the hormones with my body going back to normal since  the pregnancy...but its also how i feel. How do you feel about these things? What hits hard for you when it comes to issues?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

strength, love and courage

I ran across a quote the other day that really spoke to me.  Here it is:
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

I found the quote while searching for something appropriate to put in a scrapbook I’m making to symbolize what im going through, and to keep my mind more focused off the cancer.  I wanted to find something to put into a book of pictures of my daughters to give us a little strength while we are headed into a pretty big fight to get well.  And I thought it was perfect for that use, but also pretty appropriate for all parents facing the day to day challenges that come with raising children and fighting health battles.

I find strength in the love I know my kids have for me.  And I think they find strength in my love for them.  And my love for my kids gives me the courage to keep fighting for what is right for them.  It gives me courage to face all the fears I have for them.  Who among us hasn’t been scared to death to send a child out driving a car alone for the first time?  And who hasn’t felt the fear that our kid won’t make the team?  Which of us hasn’t needed courage when our child was sick?  But our love gives us the courage to keep moving.  It gives us courage to let go a little.  I have to find courage to go on no matter what because my love for my girls won’t let me throw my hands up and quit.
I hope that while I am gathering courage from the love I feel for my girls they are feeling the strength that comes from having me there in the background, loving them deeply no matter what.  I hope they feel stronger because they know they have a soft place to land because they are loved.

I get excited when I run across a quote that expresses my feelings so much better than I can.  I think I’ll keep this one in my list of favorites to live by

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Footprints in the sand are fleeting – a transient snapshot in time that disappear when the tide comes in. Even the footprints that are further in eventually become invisible alongside a million other footprints.
But for that moment in time, they’re physical. They’re proof that you did something.
That you existed.
Some folks might say that footprints in the sand don’t matter because they wash away. That no matter how you spin it, the lack of physical proof of you having left your footprint means it’s only your word that you ever walked there in the first place.
But they’re missing the bigger picture.
Even when the tide washes away your footprint, it’s taking the sand that supported your print to another shore. The grains mix with a new beach, and your old footprints mix with new ones left by new people.
People you’ll more than likely never meet, but people whose lives you’re now a part of. Because your sand is now their sand.
The same goes for that sand of yours that didn’t get washed away, but instead mixed with the footsteps of others. You become part of their existence. The moment your grain mixes with their grain, you’ve shared a mutual moment.
In essence, you’ve touched someone’s life without even knowing it.
Now. Transfer that to what you’re doing now.
Your blog. Your business. Your job. Your employees. Your friends. Your colleagues. Your connections. Your words.
Your actions.
Every day we have the opportunity to touch people’s lives without knowing it. Every day we have a chance to improve a mood without knowing it. Every day we have a chance to make a difference.
All we need to do is leave some footprints in the sand. Ready to walk?