she recently had her third birthday and not even a week later, had to pick out her own casket and grave site...something no child should have to deal with. I dont know how this family is coping, I know it would be extremely hard. Im asking to start a huge prayer chain and to spread the word in hopes a miracle happens for little delaney so she can live out her life.
*****delaney rececntly lost her life to the battle of cancer, i alone cant imagine my child having to go through this let alone having to deal with the loss of either of my girls. please show this family some support, prayers, strength for they need it more than ever.
Please feel free to leave your encouragements and prayers on this page. I will keep the page updated daily as new news comes to me. Just a reminder - PLEASE NO NEGATIVE POSTS about anyone's share. Such posts will be removed. ALSO - please remember this is a page for updates and comments referring to Delaney Wadsworth and any other stories/posts to lift up this family...
delaneys support site as well is -
delaneys facebook support and update page-
The Lord gives His people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. --- Pslam 29:11 Paypal address
***Mailing address!**** Delaney Wadsworth 11522 WCR 76 Windsor Co 80550
She loves photos - so slip one into the mail for her to see your support!!
Wow! How absolutely horrible. I am not sure why kids are taken from us this young. I will be praying for her family!